User:ElNando888/NF4 Discussion
Genesis of the lab
The pseudoknot I found in a database has following structure:
Even before the results had come out, it was obvious that the setup of New Frontier 3 was quite confusing, so I was thinking of making things more understandable. The easiest way to morph it into a regular secondary structure was this:
Then, in order to force designers to create a pseudoknot, all I had to do was to lock some of the bases, to make sure such a stack would be too weak to form properly.
Proposed solving methods
Beside the "natural" path to make it work (using the original pseudoknot as canvas), I found another way to attempt to solve the problem. Follow the (1) or (2) paths.
a) In the puzzlemaker, paste the structure:
- ................................................(((((..................)))))..
- ......(((((.......................................................))))).......
b) Paste this sequence:
c) "Solve" the stacks.
Be careful not to touch the locked bases.
d) Paste the "other" structure:
- ......(((((((((((((............))))))))..................(((...)))))))).......
- ...........((((((((............)))))))).........(((((....(((...))).....)))))..
e) Again, "solve" the puzzle.
And again, be careful not to touch the locked bases, or the bases you mutated earlier
f) Copy the sequence, and go paste it in the lab.
Then fix the details, barcode, long stretches of As, etc.
One more possibility
- ..............(((((....................................................))))).., followed by
- ......((((((((.................)))))))).........(((((....(((...)))))))).......