Educational resources
From Eterna Wiki
- Using Eterna tutorials in the Classroom (2022)
- A quick guide to assigning the Eterna tutorial series in the high school or college classroom to introduce RNA concepts.
- Teacher's classroom guide for NOVA Labs tutorials & NOVA RNA Wiki.
- RNA Lab Guide for Educators
- NOVA VirtuaLab RNA Wiki
- Eterna activity guidelines written for undergraduate biology majors at Texas Wesleyan University.
- The Eterna Project
- The Transfer RNA Puzzle
- Fisker's educational resources (2016)
- On-line resources from beginner-level videos to the expert literature, compiled by the top players of Eterna as they learned about the RNA world!
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- EternaEducation (2014)
- YouTube video collection with materials on RNA, the cell and related fascinating topics, compiled for Eterna players.
- Coursework for Ph.D. level biophysics course (2013)
- Slides, worksheets, and tutorials for stastical mechanics, allostery, and RNA design examples for Stanford's graduate level molecular biophysics course (Biochemistry/Structural Biology 241). We actually synthesized the students' RNA designs.
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