
From Eterna Wiki


Porting ViennaRNA to javascript



You will need :

  • Linux (for other OSes, well... good luck :P)
  • LLVM 3.2 or better
  • Clang 3.2 or better
  • the latest Emscripten, pulled from the Git


If you don't have them yet, get

  • Python
  • node.js
  • Git
  • JRE (apparently needed for optimizations in Emscripten generated code)


And there may be some other dependencies I forgot... YMMV.


Build LLVM + Clang


~$ wget
~$ tar xvfz llvm-3.2.src.tar.gz
~$ wget
~$ tar xvfz clang-3.2.src.tar.gz


Clang must be built as part of LLVM, so first

~$ mv clang-3.2.src llvm-3.2.src/tools/clang


and then build

~$ cd llvm-3.2.src
~/llvm-3.2.src$ ./configure
~/llvm-3.2.src$ make


It takes a looooong time to build, be prepared. And don't bother to make install, Emscripten needs absolute paths anyway.


Setting up Emscripten

Just do

~$ git clone git://


and follow the instructions on, specially in the section "Setting up Emscripten"


Compiling Vienna

Copy your Vienna source package in a subdirectory of emscripten

~/emscripten$ tar xvfz ViennaRNA-2.1.1.tar.gz
~/emscripten$ cd ViennaRNA-2.1.1


I'm not sure what is causing problem with it, but since I don't need Perl extensions, I did

~/emscripten/ViennaRNA-2.1.1$ rm -rf Perl


And now, let's compile

~/emscripten/ViennaRNA-2.1.1$ ../emconfigure ./configure
~/emscripten/ViennaRNA-2.1.1$ ../emmake make


At this point, there are a lot of .o files, but they are not your usual .o files


Using the generated code

So far, I haven't been able to do much, but I could validate that the generated javascript code does indeed work, like this :

First, create a HTML page which includes the necessary APIs

~/emscripten/ViennaRNA-2.1.1$ ../emcc lib/*.o -o test.html -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_fold','_space','_free','_pf_fold','_export_bppm','_energy_of_structure']"


Load that HTML page in Firefox, ignore the content, and then open the javascript Scratch Pad and input this :

var vrna_fold = Module.cwrap( 'fold', 'number', ['string','number'] );
var struct = Module._space( seq.length );
fe = vrna_fold( seq, struct );
alert( Pointer_stringify( struct ) );
alert( fe );
Module._free( struct );


and run it. Well, it worked for me. Slow, but understandable since no optimizations at all.



I've started working with the Git repository, and well, it's looking good so far :)

The code snippet, in a usable form

