IUPAC notation
From Eterna Wiki
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) standards allows for matching more than one base value in a sequence. Examples values are:
- R = G or A (purine)
- Y = C or U (pyrimidine)
- M = A or C (amino)
- K = G or U (keto)
- S = G or C (strong)
- W = A or U (weak)
- B = not A (C or G or U)
- D = not C (A or G or U)
- H = not G (A or C or U)
- V = not U (A or C or G)
- N = A or C or G or U
Another presentation of the same:
<img title="aa" src="/wiki/images/2446256532.png" border="0" alt="aa" />