Script Documentation (devel)
== Class LibVrna185 ==
Encapsulates the Vienna Package version 1.8.5
=== LibVrna185.fold(sequence) ===
returns the Minimum Free Energy structure for the sequence passed as parameter.
=== LibVrna185.energyOfStruct(sequence, secstruct) ===
returns the free energy for the given sequence/secondray structure.
=== LibVrna185.foldWithConstraint(sequence, constraint) ===
returns the Minimum Free Energy structure for the sequence passed as parameter, with constraints applied
=== Example ===
var vrna = new LibVrna185;
var seq = 'CCCCGAAAGGGG';
var retval = vrna.fold( seq );
outln( seq );
outln( retval.mfe_structure );
outln( retval.free_energy );
delete vrna;
== Class LibVrna211 ==
Encapsulates the Vienna Package version 2.1.1
=== LibVrna211.fold(sequence) ===
returns the Minimum Free Energy structure for the sequence passed as parameter.
=== LibVrna211.energyOfStruct(sequence, secstruct) ===
returns the free energy for the given sequence/secondray structure.
=== LibVrna211.foldWithConstraint(sequence, constraint) ===
returns the Minimum Free Energy structure for the sequence passed as parameter, with constraints applied
=== Example ===
var vrna = new LibVrna211;
var seq = 'CCCCGAAAGGGG';
var retval = vrna.fold( seq );
outln( seq );
outln( retval.mfe_structure );
outln( retval.free_energy );
var constraint = '...x....x...';
retval = vrna.foldWithConstraint( seq, constraint );
outln( seq );
outln( constraint );
outln( retval.mfe_structure );
outln( retval.free_energy );
delete vrna;