OpenASO Challenge

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Protein coding messenger RNAs (mRNA) undergo extensive processing before their translation into protein (1). Precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) transcripts, copied directly from the genome, contain both coding (exons) and intervening sequences (introns) (2, 3). mRNA biogenesis requires intron removal and exon splicing. When this process fails, genes produce a toxic RNA encoding a faulty protein (4, 5). Our goal is to design antisense oligonucleotides that can rescue damaged exons.

The spliceosome is an ensemble of five small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) and hundreds of protein co-factors that catalyze the splicing reaction (6, 7). This complex assembles de novo on every intron (8). Conserved dinucleotide sequences (splice sites) mark the beginning and end of introns (9, 10). Auxiliary RNA elements including the polypyrimidine tract, influence recognition of these simple landmarks.

Recognition of exon and intron boundaries is a critical initial step in spliceosome assembly (11). Splicing enhancers and silencers are important determinants of exon identity (12–16). Located near splice sites, these cis-elements engage regulatory RNA binding proteins (RBPs). These splicing factors influence recognition of  the 5' and 3' splice sites by the U1 snRNP and U2 snRNP auxiliary factor (U2AF), respectively (17–19). Together, this exon definition complex specifies sequences destined for the message (20).

Shortly after the discovery of introns, connections between pre-mRNA splicing and human disease emerged (21, 22). We now understand that ~10% of all disease-causing mutations ablate splice sites (30). A further 18-50% of pathogenic variants disrupt sequences required for exon definition (31–33). These data underscore the impact of aberrant splicing on mechanisms of human inherited disease.

Can restoring accurate splicing could rescue disease phenotypes? A proven approach to rescue normal RNA splicing in the context of human disease is antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) (23). Their facile design exploits the chemical language of nucleic acid base pairing interactions. Yet, many problems including toxicity, delivery and stability blocked translation to the clinic (24). Excitingly, these challenges are solvable as evidenced by FDA approval of multiple ASO therapeutics.

There are currently ten FDA approved ASOs for neuro-developmental and neuromuscular diseases (25). Notable examples include the splice modulating drugs Nusinersin and Milasen. 15 years in development, Nusinersin was the first FDA approved cure for spinal muscular atrophy (26–28). By contrast, Milasen is a patient-specific ASO for treatment of Batten's disease, developed in only 16 months (29).

In theory the search for active ASOs is simple. Yet in practice the process is both laborious and expensive. The impact of OpenASO will be to understand how RNA structure informs principles of ASO design. This challenge will accelerate ASO design and improve the economics of rare disease drug development.

1. Corbett,A.H. (2018) Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression and human disease. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol., 52, 96–104.

2. Chow,L.T., Gelinas,R.E., Broker,T.R. and Roberts,R.J. (1977) An amazing sequence arrangement at the 5’ ends of adenovirus 2 messenger RNA. Cell, 12, 1–8.

3. Berget,S.M., Moore,C. and Sharp,P.A. (1977) Spliced segments at the 5′ terminus of adenovirus 2 late mRNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 74, 3171–3175.

4. Cartegni,L., Chew,S.L. and Krainer,A.R. (2002) Listening to silence and understanding nonsense: exonic mutations that affect splicing. Nat. Rev. Genet., 3, 285–298.

5. Singh,R.K. and Cooper,T.A. (2012) Pre-mRNA splicing in disease and therapeutics. Trends Mol. Med., 18, 472–482.

6. Lerner,M.R., Boyle,J.A., Mount,S.M., Wolin,S.L. and Steitz,J.A. (1980) Are snRNPs involved in splicing? Nature, 283, 220–224.

7. Hoskins,A.A. and Moore,M.J. (2012) The spliceosome: a flexible, reversible macromolecular machine. Trends Biochem. Sci., 37, 179–188.

8. Konarska,M.M. and Sharp,P.A. (1987) Interactions between small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles in formation of spliceosomes. Cell, 49, 763–774.

9. Catterall,J.F., O’Malley,B.W., Robertson,M.A., Staden,R., Tanaka,Y. and Brownlee,G.G. (1978) Nucleotide sequence homology at 12 intron–exon junctions in the chick ovalbumin gene. Nature, 275, 510–513.

10. Breathnach,R., Benoist,C., O’Hare,K., Gannon,F. and Chambon,P. (1978) Ovalbumin gene: evidence for a leader sequence in mRNA and DNA sequences at the exon-intron boundaries. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 75, 4853–4857.

11. Michaud,S. and Reed,R. (1993) A functional association between the 5’ and 3' splice site is established in the earliest prespliceosome complex (E) in mammals. Genes Dev., 7, 1008–1020.

12. Reed,R. and Maniatis,T. (1986) A role for exon sequences and splice-site proximity in splice-site selection. Cell, 46, 681–690.

13. Reed,R. and Maniatis,T. (1987) Exon Sequences and Splice Site Proximity Play a Role in Splice Site Selection. Molecular Biology of RNA, 10.1016/b978-0-12-372483-0.50009-0.

14. Watakabe,A., Tanaka,K. and Shimura,Y. (1993) The role of exon sequences in splice site selection. Genes Dev., 7, 407–418.

15. Fairbrother,W.G., Yeh,R.-F., Sharp,P.A. and Burge,C.B. (2002) Predictive identification of exonic splicing enhancers in human genes. Science, 297, 1007–1013.

16. Wang,Z., Rolish,M.E., Yeo,G., Tung,V., Mawson,M. and Burge,C.B. (2004) Systematic identification and analysis of exonic splicing silencers. Cell, 119, 831–845.

17. Zhu,J., Mayeda,A. and Krainer,A.R. (2001) Exon identity established through differential antagonism between exonic splicing silencer-bound hnRNP A1 and enhancer-bound SR proteins. Mol. Cell, 8, 1351–1361.

18. Kohtz,J.D., Jamison,S.F., Will,C.L., Zuo,P., Lührmann,R., Garcia-Blanco,M.A. and Manley,J.L. (1994) Protein-protein interactions and 5’-splice-site recognition in mammalian mRNA precursors. Nature, 368, 119–124.

19. Graveley,B.R. and Maniatis,T. (1998) Arginine/serine-rich domains of SR proteins can function as activators of pre-mRNA splicing. Mol. Cell, 1, 765–771.

20. Berget,S.M. (1995) Exon Recognition in Vertebrate Splicing (∗). J. Biol. Chem., 270, 2411–2414.

21. Orkin,S.H., Goff,S.C. and Hechtman,R.L. (1981) Mutation in an intervening sequence splice junction in man. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 78, 5041–5045.

22. Orkin,S.H., Kazazian,H.H.,Jr, Antonarakis,S.E., Ostrer,H., Goff,S.C. and Sexton,J.P. (1982) Abnormal RNA processing due to the exon mutation of beta E-globin gene. Nature, 300, 768–769.

23. Kole,R., Shukla,R.R. and Akhtar,S. (1991) Pre-mRNA splicing as a target for antisense oligonucleotides. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 6, 271–286.

24. Gagliardi,M. and Ashizawa,A.T. (2021) The Challenges and Strategies of Antisense Oligonucleotide Drug Delivery. Biomedicines, 9.

25. Hill,S.F. and Meisler,M.H. (2021) Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Dev. Neurosci., 43, 247–252.

26. Cartegni,L. and Krainer,A.R. (2002) Disruption of an SF2/ASF-dependent exonic splicing enhancer in SMN2 causes spinal muscular atrophy in the absence of SMN1. Nat. Genet., 30, 377–384.

27. Hua,Y., Sahashi,K., Hung,G., Rigo,F., Passini,M.A., Bennett,C.F. and Krainer,A.R. (2010) Antisense correction of SMN2 splicing in the CNS rescues necrosis in a type III SMA mouse model. Genes Dev., 24, 1634–1644.

28. Rigo,F., Chun,S.J., Norris,D.A., Hung,G., Lee,S., Matson,J., Fey,R.A., Gaus,H., Hua,Y., Grundy,J.S., et al. (2014) Pharmacology of a central nervous system delivered 2’-O-methoxyethyl-modified survival of motor neuron splicing oligonucleotide in mice and nonhuman primates. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 350, 46–55.

29. Kim,J., Hu,C., Moufawad El Achkar,C., Black,L.E., Douville,J., Larson,A., Pendergast,M.K., Goldkind,S.F., Lee,E.A., Kuniholm,A., et al. (2019) Patient-Customized Oligonucleotide Therapy for a Rare Genetic Disease. N. Engl. J. Med., 381, 1644–1652.

30. Krawczak,M., Thomas,N.S.T., Hundrieser,B., Mort,M., Wittig,M., Hampe,J. and Cooper,D.N. (2007) Single base-pair substitutions in exon-intron junctions of human genes: nature, distribution, and consequences for mRNA splicing. Hum. Mutat., 28, 150–158.

31. Sterne-Weiler,T., Howard,J., Mort,M., Cooper,D.N. and Sanford,J.R. (2011) Loss of exon identity is a common mechanism of human inherited disease. Genome Res., 21, 1563–1571.

32. Soemedi,R., Cygan,K.J., Rhine,C.L., Wang,J., Bulacan,C., Yang,J., Bayrak-Toydemir,P., McDonald,J. and Fairbrother,W.G. (2017) Pathogenic variants that alter protein code often disrupt splicing. Nat. Genet., 49, 848–855.

33. Barash,Y., Calarco,J.A., Gao,W., Pan,Q., Wang,X., Shai,O., Blencowe,B.J. and Frey,B.J. (2010) Deciphering the splicing code. Nature, 465, 53–59.